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IMPA Commissioners Earn National Awards

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June 11, 2024


June 11, 2024 - Two commissioners of the Indiana Municipal Power Agency (IMPA) - Kevin Strickler of Williamsport, IN and Tony Pochard of Anderson, IN - were recognized with awards from the American Public Power Association for their dedication to their municipal utilities. APPA is the country's voice for not-for-profit utilities, advocating for and lending support to public power utilities across the US. These prestigious awards were presented to honorees on Tuesday, June 11 at APPA's National Conference in San Diego, California. 

Strickler was recognized with the Larry Hobart "Seven Hats" award. This award honors managers who serve in smaller communities and whose variety of management responsibilities extends well beyond those of a manager in a larger system with larger staff. As Superintendent for Williamsport, Strickler has worked for the community for four decades and oversees all planning and design aspects for the community's four utilities: electric, water, wastewater, and street. He's also the retired Fire Chief of the town and is very active in the community's summer baseball program.

As former Utility Director of Anderson Municipal Light and Power (AML&P), Pochard received the James D Donovan award, which recognizes utility leaders who have made substantial contributions to the electric utility industry with a special commitment to public power. Under Pochard's leadership, AML&P collaborated with IMPA to bring 39.4 megawatts of solar capacity to Anderson, drove economic development activity through excellent service, and vastly improved the utility's electric reliability. He also served on IMPA's Executive Committee, Legislative Committee, Operating Committee, and APPA's Board of Directors. 

"Both Tony and Kevin epitomize the ideals of public power through their work and how they spend their time," said Jack Alvey, President and CEO of IMPA. "They've committed their knowledge and skills to making their communities better, and we are proud to see them recognized for their dedication at the national level. We're privelaged to have had both of them as commissioners and leaders of our Agency." 

The Indiana Municipal Power Agency is the not-for-profit wholesale power provider to 61 cities and towns in Indiana and Ohio who own and operate the municipal electric distribution systems in their communities. IMPA member communities deliver electric service to approximately 340,000 individuals throughout the state. For more information, visit www.impa.com.

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